What is IchthyP?
IchthyP is the project that brings together all the ichthyosis patient associations worldwide in the search for a cure for the disease. Not only is it the driving force behind the research, but it also coordinates research worldwide.
At IchthyP we have the support of the most specialised doctors and researchers in ichthyosis and gene therapy.
The fundamental objective of this project is to find a cure for the disease, but IchthyP is also a meeting place for professionals from the health sector, researchers, and other stakeholders involved in the project.

Who we are?
IchthyP is made up of patients associations and individuals affected by ichthyosis. The main european associations are part of this project -all of them also belong to the European Ichthyosis Network (ENI)-, as well as the american Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (FIRST).
You can visit their websites by clicking their logo.
What do we do?
Search for funding for research
Currently there is no cure for ichthyosis and treatments are exclusively symptomatic (to calm and reduce the symptoms).
Being a genetic disease, ichthyosis requires gene therapy to reverse it. At a scientific level, there are already tools that are capable of carrying out this genetic modification, such as CRISPR/Cas9, which is already in the clinical trial phase for some types of blindness, for example.
To make this kind of technology applicable to ichthyosis, requires financial resources and coordination.
Patient registry
All the associations that are part of IchthyP are collaborating to create a homogeneous registry that allows researchers to identify patients for clinical trials, in addition to helping us understand how many people are affected by the different types and subtypes of ichthyosis
What do we do?
Search for funding for research
Currently there is no cure for ichthyosis and treatments are exclusively symptomatic (to calm and reduce the symptoms).
Being a genetic disease, ichthyosis requires gene therapy to reverse it. At a scientific level, there are already tools that are capable of carrying out this genetic modification, such as CRISPR/Cas9, which is already in the clinical trial phase for some types of blindness, for example.
To make this kind of technology applicable to ichthyosis, requires financial resources and coordination.
Patient registry
All the associations that are part of IchthyP are collaborating to create a homogeneous registry that allows researchers to identify patients for clinical trials, in addition to helping us understand how many people are affected by the different types and subtypes of ichthyosis.